Publications | Cooperatives Updates | NLCF Election 2024

The objectives of the NATIONAL LABOUR COOPERATIVES FEDERATION OF INDIA LTD shall be to protect economic and social interests and to work for advancement of the labourers in India and to organise, promote, co-ordinate, help and develop the working of labour co-operatives.

In furtherence of this object, the National Federation may also undertake following activities:

  • To organise, promote and develop labour cooperatives, their district and/ state level unions/federations.
  • To promote the economic interests of its members including their affiliated societies vis a vis NLCF to obtain work from work awarding agencies and to ensure the execution through labour cooperatives to improve the financial position of NLCF and to provide regular work to member cooperatives round the year.
  • To set up industries, plants, kiln etc., in collaboration with other cooperatives for the manufacture of construction material, equipments and allied products to facilitate the working of member cooperatives
  • To assist in marketing, import or export and carry on agency business of every kind to procure, store and distribute material required or manufactured by the member societies and/or their affiliated units.
  • To lease or operate mineral mines for the production and supply of construction material and allied industries including decoration works.
  • To supply tools, implements, accessories and sophisticated. machinery to its members or their affiliated societies on hire purchase or hire system.
  • To establish technical wing and to make available know-how and technology relevant to the work of affiliated societies.
  • To represent the cause of labour cooperative movement at various levels.
  • To promote and develop the labour cooperative programme in India, to educate, guide and assist the labourers in their efforts to build up and expand the labour cooperative sector and to serve as an exponent of labour cooperative opinion.
  • To improve the economic, moral, physical and social condition of the members of the labour cooperatives.
  • To arrange publication of literature, books and periodicals to maintain\par information bureau, library, labour cooperative education training programme and to convene seminars, conferences, exhibitions and to organise, assist, guide and help such activities at state and other levels.
  • To organise and carry on research in the economic, social and developmental aspects of the labour cooperatives.
  • To suggest activities for reducing unemployment and under-employment of the forest dwellers and other labourers.
  • To raise funds to own purchase, sale or mortgage movable and immovable property and to construct building for office use, imparting training to unskilled workers of construction industry and allied subject with hostel facilities, if needed.
  • The National Federation may undertake the agency for export of labour to abroad from ministry of labour.
  • The National Federation may execute different projects of Central & State Govts and other agencies to provide social services to members/non-members i.e. child, women and release bonded labour etc.
  • National Federation can work as financial institution for availing the finance from Financial Institutions/Banks/Other institution for lending tats affiliated organisations/Institutions
  • National Federation can undertake the work for providing Security Services and the supply of skilled as well as unskilled labourers to cooperatives as well as other organizations